When you use your credit card to
purchase items at Vitalityweb, be rest assured that the transaction
is always secure. Our web site uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL),
an advanced encryption technology that works with Netscape Navigator
(versions 2.0 and above), Microsoft Internet Explorer (version
3.0 and above), and AOL (AOL 3.0 and above). This technology safeguards
your personal information and guarantees privacy. In fact, shopping
online at Vitalityweb is safer than using your credit card at
your local restaurant or department store. All orders are safe
and secure, your privacy is always protected and respected. We
will never sell, share or give your personal information to anyone.
You will enter the
secure server (SSL) after you check-out and start to enter your
shipping, billing and other confidential information.

To use PAYPAL or GOOGLE Checkout, simply add items
to cart, checkout and select the appropriate secure payment method
(Credit Card Online, Paypal, Google Checkout, Fax/Mail Order, etc.)
To use the shopping cart, simply click
the Add to cart button
located next to the product picture and description.
To View the items in your shopping
cart, click the View Your Shopping Cart Button below.
To Checkout, click the Go to Checkout
Now button below.
No order is final until you submit
the order after entering your address and billing information. A
confirmation e-mail will be sent to you to confirm that the order
has been received.
In most cases, your order will be sent
within one to two business days. If your order will be delayed,
we will try to contact you by e-mail or phone. 1-2 Day Express Shipping
is available on most items.
We offer a 30-day
money back guarantee on all products purchased from our store.
Thank you for shopping with
Vitalityweb.com, Inc